Famous Psychologists

  1. 3. Attachment Theory
  2. 4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  3. 7. Attachment Theory
  4. 8. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
  5. 12. Critical period of language acquisition
  6. 14. Memory (Spacing Effect)
  7. 18. Taste aversion
  8. 19. Intelligence test(French)
  9. 20. Diagnostic labeling
  10. 22. Conformity Experiment (length of lines)
  11. 24. Neo-Freudian (Introversion vs Extroversion)
  12. 25. Obedience, shock experiment
  13. 26. Multiple Intelligence Theory
  14. 27. Emotions
  1. 1. Learned helplessness
  2. 2. Split-brain experiments
  3. 4. Parenting Styles
  4. 5. Heuristics
  5. 6. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
  6. 9. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
  7. 10. Eyewitness memory
  8. 11. Social Development Theory
  9. 13. Factor Analysis, Correlation Coefficient
  10. 15. Moral development (worked with Kohlberg)
  11. 16. Emotion and temperament
  12. 17. Stanford Prison Experiment
  13. 21. Bobo doll experiment
  14. 23. Feminine Psychology