Famous Scientists

  1. 3. Germ theory, vaccination
  2. 5. DNA structure, molecular biology
  3. 6. Radioactivity, Nobel Prizes
  4. 10. Theory of evolution, natural selection
  5. 14. Laws of motion, gravity
  6. 15. Psychoanalysis, unconscious mind
  1. 1. Telescopic discoveries, physics
  2. 2. Heliocentric theory, astronomy
  3. 4. Atomic structure, quantum theory
  4. 7. Evolutionary biology, "The Selfish Gene"
  5. 8. Smallpox vaccine, immunology
  6. 9. Electromagnetism, induction
  7. 11. Theory of relativity, E=mc^2
  8. 12. DNA structure, molecular biology
  9. 13. Cell theory, microscopy