Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter creatures

  1. 2. They are half horse, half eagle. They have large wings.
  2. 3. A peaceful, herbivorous creature that looks like an ape.
  3. 5. A mythical bird with six golden wings that can create a storm.
  4. 7. A mythological creature: a white horse with a horn.
  5. 9. A gigantic leopard from east Africa.
  6. 10. You can only seem them if you have witnessed death.
  7. 11. A very small creature with two brown eyes, made of bark and twigs.
  1. 1. A monstruous eight-eyed spider capable of human speech.
  2. 4. A large, grey African beast that looks like a rhinoceros.
  3. 5. A magical beast of prodigious strength and immense stupidity.
  4. 6. A gigantic and agressive animal that can breathe out fire.
  5. 8. An adorable animal with a long snout and a black fluffy fur.