Farm Animals

  1. 3. kmetija
  2. 5. Animal that gives us milk.
  3. 6. What sound does the pig make?
  4. 9. Animal that lays eggs.
  5. 12. What sound does the turkey make?
  6. 13. Animal with a white coat.
  1. 1. What sound does the sheep make?
  2. 2. raca
  3. 3. živali na kmetiji
  4. 4. What sound does the cow make?
  5. 7. What sound does the duck make?
  6. 8. puran
  7. 10. What sound does the horse make?
  8. 11. Animal with four legs. You can ride it.
  9. 14. A pink coloured animal. It likes dirt.