Farming vocabulary

  1. 3. the system of treating diseases or conditions using very small amounts of the substances
  2. 4. harrow a farm implement that is used to till the soil where crops are to be planted
  3. 8. the successive cultivation of different crops
  4. 9. animals, such as cows and sheep, which bring back Food from their stomachs and chew it again
  5. 11. a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully
  6. 15. another word for farming
  7. 16. land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on
  8. 17. feed that is made of green plants and straw and contains less protein per unit
  1. 1. machine to mix basal Food, concentrates and Mineral mmixture for your dairy cows
  2. 2. high quality feed that consists of starch, sugar, fat and crude Protein
  3. 5. to use land for growing crops
  4. 6. a large piece of farming equipment used for turning over soil
  5. 7. the practice of growing flowers, fruit and vegetable
  6. 10. a young pig
  7. 12. to produce new leaves or buds
  8. 13. a machine that cuts and gathers grain
  9. 14. the waste matter from animals that is spread over or mixed with the soil to help plants and crops grow