Faux Friday Super Fun Time Crossword Review

  1. 5. The main source of criminal law in Canada.
  2. 8. A principle that judicial decisions should be based on objective criteria, free from bias or conflicts of interest.
  3. 10. When an accused person claims they were not present at the time of the offense.
  4. 11. Relatively simple crimes, usually heard in Provincial Court.
  5. 14. When something is reduced from a Criminal offense to an illegal act, it is __________.
  6. 15. Courts that hold preliminary hearings finding facts, witness testimony, and introduction of evidence.
  7. 16. Offenses that can be prosecuted as either summary or indictable offenses.
  8. 17. Liberal leader Justin Trudeau wants to __________ marijuana.
  9. 18. What drug did Toronto mayor Rob Ford finally admit to smoking?
  10. 19. You cannot convict if there is __________.
  11. 22. More serious offenses.
  12. 25. How does Mr. Ross take his coffee?
  13. 26. "__________ is fairness." -Plato
  14. 27. Who stole the bourbon from the Kwik-E-Mart?
  15. 28. A suspension or postponement of judicial proceedings.
  1. 1. Home of the Spartans.
  2. 2. Mr. Ross and Mr. Leclair wish you would stop using these in class.
  3. 3. __________ is not often accepted as a defense. A person is usually still responsible for their actions when drunk.
  4. 4. The first 'angry man' to vote "not guilty."
  5. 6. "With knowledge, with intent, knowing."
  6. 7. Mr. Leclair did not study law at University. What did he study?
  7. 9. If something is illegal, but not Criminal it is __________.
  8. 11. Canada's final court of appeal.
  9. 12. Canada's national court system that hears legal disputes with the federal government.
  10. 13. Guest Speaker Dave Taylor attended law school at __________.
  11. 20. Force used to defend an attack.
  12. 21. The last 'angry man' to change his vote.
  13. 22. If something is wrong, but not illegal it is __________.
  14. 23. A person who commits an offense because they were threatened may claim the defense of __________
  15. 24. The physical act of committing a crime.