FBI Heroes

  1. 4. A secret criminal organization that murders for money or retribution.
  2. 6. The highest judicial court in the United States.
  3. 8. Radical Islamic group organized by Osama Bin Laden in 1990 to engage in terrorist activites.
  4. 10. The action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will.
  1. 1. An unsolved criminal investigation.
  2. 2. A disguise for the face to amuse or terrify others.
  3. 3. Related or associated with the moon.
  4. 5. The Federal Agency charged with investigation for the Attorney General and safeguarding national security.
  5. 7. A military or naval force employed in guarding a coast.
  6. 9. A United States federal agency that coordinates U.S. intelligence activities.