Features of Spoken Language

  1. 3. The distinctive grammar and vocabulary which is associated with a specific geographical.
  2. 5. This is the basic structure of speech. Participants in a conversation take turns to speak.
  3. 8. The way that words are pronounced
  4. 9. This is often shown by underlining or emboldening to show that a word, or part of a word, has been said in a particular way.
  5. 11. This occurs where more than one speaker speaks at the same time.
  1. 1. These are words which do not carry conventional meaning but which are inserted in speech to allow time to think, to create a pause or to hold a turn in conversation.
  2. 2. Informal words and phrases.
  3. 4. This occurs where one speaker jumps in and seizes the topic, overriding another speaker.
  4. 6. The situation or circumstance in which speech takes place.
  5. 7. These are breaks in speech and can be very short (micro pauses) or much longer (timed pauses, in seconds) and are used for a range of effects: thinking time, hesitation, waiting for a response, to indicate that a turn in the conversation is complete for example.
  6. 10. Subject specific vocabulary