Feb 2

  1. 3. Is the pronunciation of "SERgeant" like "start" or "learn"?
  2. 6. Is the pronuciation of the "j" in "major" like "job" or like "yes"?
  3. 9. If you pronounce "lieutenant" in a British way, is it "lef" or "loo"?
  4. 11. usually, normally
  5. 14. In our classroom, there is a __ to make water come down if there is a fire.
  1. 1. Is "COLonel" like "kol" or like "ker"?
  2. 2. title for a woman. ("Mr" is a title for a man)
  3. 4. number of syllables in "captain"
  4. 5. number of syllables in "soldier"
  5. 7. be a member of. Do you __ to a union?
  6. 8. If you love someone in English, you can call them "d__"
  7. 10. (2 words) If there is a fire, you need a __ __ to put out the fire.
  8. 12. (2 words) an expression that means improve or increase a little bit each da
  9. 13. Is the pronunciation of "sir" like "ear" or like "her"?