
  1. 1. The force you need to do activities or tasks.
  2. 5. Valentine's proper title.
  3. 6. A tool to pick up and throw snow.
  4. 7. A special greeting or gift for you love.
  5. 8. A flat wood or metal sled with a curled front used to slide down hills.
  6. 10. Adds an extra day to February every 4 years.
  7. 12. Many days are this. Typical of the middle of winter.
  8. 14. White precipitation seen most in winter.
  9. 16. A slippery frozen coating.
  10. 17. A snow pile caused by wind.
  11. 18. Describes uncomfortable cold on your skin when outdoors.
  12. 19. Shortest month of the year.
  1. 2. A rodent who predicts the beginning of Spring.
  2. 3. Animals sleep for a long time to conserve energy.
  3. 4. A warm place to snuggle by.
  4. 5. Move around using boards on your feet and poles.
  5. 8. Where crosscountry and snowmobilers do their activity.
  6. 9. A newer holiday is a day to celebrate relatives.
  7. 11. A warm broth to accompany a sandwich.
  8. 13. The opposite of light, as in daylight.
  9. 15. The season that February occurs in.