February Fun Facts

  1. 1. popular pirate parade in Tampa
  2. 3. shoots arrows at people
  3. 7. Popular social media platform
  4. 8. Born in February Charles Darwin most known for studying this type of bird in Galapagos
  5. 10. coldest month of the year in Florida
  6. 11. Developed Barbie Doll in February 1949
  7. 15. Harari's longest running paperback nonfiction on NY Times bestseller list
  8. 17. movie releasing Feb 2022 and popular 4-legged friend
  9. 18. Daytona 500 mile event kicking off this season
  10. 19. American inventor of incandescent light and from Ohio born in February
  11. 20. second most popular valentine's flower
  1. 2. horoscope sign in February
  2. 4. Snow White & Seven Dwarfs launch this month 19
  3. 5. US president born in February
  4. 6. Lakeland newspaper celebrating 98 years in 2022
  5. 9. valentine's symbol and candy shaped box
  6. 12. the 29th day that happens every four
  7. 13. Super Bowl 56 half time performer
  8. 14. valentine's day number
  9. 16. birthstone associated with February