Federal and Court System

  1. 2. - a branch of government that interprets laws
  2. 5. - a formal charging of someone with a crime
  3. 7. - the authority of a court to be the first court to hear a case
  4. 9. - an authorization by a court for police to make an arrest
  5. 10. - a court involving disputes between to parties
  6. 11. - the power of the supreme court to determine a presidential law
  7. 14. - a group that hears the evidence in a criminal case
  8. 16. - the governments side in a criminal case
  9. 19. - a less serious crime
  10. 20. - the authority of some courts to review decisions
  1. 1. - to assert something as valid or confirmed
  2. 3. - a case where a person is accused for breaking a criminal law
  3. 4. - a person or company filling a complaint
  4. 6. - the basis of police must have an order to make an arrest
  5. 8. - The decision of a judge or jury
  6. 12. - The constitutional protection against unfair actions an laws
  7. 13. - the authority to interpret and administer the law
  8. 15. - A person accused of a crime in a criminal court case
  9. 17. - The right of a convicted person to ask a higher court to review their case
  10. 18. - a serious crime such as kidnaping or murder