
  1. 6. Between Fee and Benz (2 words)
  2. 9. A place for drinking, not reading, confusingly (2 words)
  3. 10. Nightly lie that Fee tells herself (3 words)
  4. 13. A 1-year getaway to _ does wonders for your career!
  5. 14. A family movie, of the intense kind
  6. 16. *Croak* *croak*
  7. 18. Am besten mit Pfirsich
  8. 19. A feat of tutoring (number)
  9. 21. Actual gap between us
  10. 22. Often unworn, even if helpful
  1. 1. Improves diabetes-related outcomes (2 words)
  2. 2. Only the brainiest of brains would get this
  3. 3. Drawer of cats, inspirer of tattoos
  4. 4. Kindred spirit (or PC for short)
  5. 5. Love of Fee's life (or night)
  6. 7. Indoor cats, beware
  7. 8. The toughest (body)part to draw
  8. 11. Supreme leader
  9. 12. This mother fucking asshole is in quite the state
  10. 15. Gnarly smells make Fee _
  11. 17. _, not hehe
  12. 20. Fee has three of these