Female Reproductive System

  1. 2. Time when females stop releasing eggs
  2. 7. Six-Nine months
  3. 8. Time during teenage years when females start to release
  4. 9. Number of female gonads
  5. 11. developing baby has 46
  6. 12. The release of the egg from the ovary between about days 12 to 16
  7. 14. Surgical removal of the baby from the mother's uterus
  8. 16. Where the baby grows
  9. 17. One-Tree months
  10. 19. Inability to become pregnant
  11. 20. When the baby is born legs first
  1. 1. How many months is the baby in the womb for?
  2. 2. The release of the blood-filled lining of the uterus if a woman is not pregnant
  3. 3. Twins from the same egg are
  4. 4. doctor that helps women treat disorders that affect the reproductive organs
  5. 5. Three-Six Months
  6. 6. twin When 2 eggs are fertilized by 2 sperm
  7. 10. Single-celled fertilized egg
  8. 13. As baby grows in the whom it is a
  9. 15. What surrounds the baby while in the womb
  10. 18. Have to dilate __ cm before giving birth