Fertile Crescent and Mesopotamia Vocabulary

  1. 5. People Vocabulary
  2. 7. and political character rustics
  3. 9. a self-governing city and its surrounding area.
  4. 10. of agriculture, sometimes known as the
  5. 12. A long time period defined by specific social,
  6. 14. Resource: Something provided by nature that is useful to humans.
  7. 18. a system that grants more power to some individuals and less to others.
  8. 21. the holy book of the Jewish people.
  9. 22. long poems telling stories of heroes.
  10. 24. The weather of a place over a long period of time
  11. 26. Height above sea level
  12. 28. a countryside area (farm).
  13. 31. Moisture that falls in the form of rain, sleet or snow
  14. 33. a mixture of fertile soil that makes for good farming, often a result from
  15. 34. To move to a new place
  16. 36. Climate: Climate in the temperate zone which lacks extremes in
  17. 37. them more useful to humans
  18. 38. if used properly
  19. 40. belief in one god.
  20. 41. Human existence m cities, with systems of
  21. 44. The distance east and west of the Prime Meridian
  22. 46. Natural substances reached by mining or digging into the earth
  23. 47. Resource: A natural resource that can be used again and
  24. 51. People who moved from place to place to meet
  25. 55. an extra supply of something
  26. 56. a single leader Of an empire or kingdom.
  27. 58. Age, when people first used stone tools.
  28. 59. Resource: Natural resources that cannot be replaced
  29. 60. education, government and specialization
  30. 61. a religious building, like the top Of a ziggurat.
  31. 62. the world's first monotheistic religion.
  32. 63. Code: one of the earliest known form of written laws to govern daily
  1. 1. to do one thing well
  2. 2. belief in many gods.
  3. 3. An object used to help a person accomplish a task
  4. 4. the knowledge, beliefs, customs and values a group of people have in
  5. 6. basic needs by hunting animals and gathering plants
  6. 8. a system of writing based on pictures.
  7. 11. Crescent and Mesopotamia Vocabulary
  8. 13. The surroundings of a place
  9. 15. The distance north or south of the equator
  10. 16. a complex society with well-developed forms of government, religion,
  11. 17. Era: "Old Stone Age" The first part of the
  12. 19. Climate: Climate the tropical zones with intense heat, much rain
  13. 20. The time before there was writing
  14. 22. lands and people governed under a single rule.
  15. 23. of the year
  16. 25. Revolution.
  17. 27. and has seasons
  18. 29. a city area.
  19. 30. plant life
  20. 32. use
  21. 35. farming: the raising of crops and animals for
  22. 39. The study of the earth
  23. 42. a way to supply water to an area.
  24. 43. Climate: A climate of the earth's polar regions, very cold weather
  25. 45. the use of skills and tools to meet practical human needs
  26. 48. learning.
  27. 49. The training of plants and animals to
  28. 50. lack of seasons
  29. 52. Era: "New Stone Age" This era marked the
  30. 53. sets and enforces laws and services in a region.
  31. 54. A portion of a body of water or air flowing the same path
  32. 57. the world's first system Of writing.