Feudalism Crossword Puzzle - Adriana Cruz

  1. 2. land granted to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
  2. 6. a person who buys and sells goods
  3. 7. tiny rings of metal used to create armor
  4. 8. knight who promised to support a lord in exchange for land
  5. 10. In feudal Europe, a person who controlled land and could therefore grant estates to vassals
  1. 1. a man who received honor and land in exchange for serving a lord as a soldier
  2. 3. another name for Middle Ages
  3. 4. a system of government based on landowner and tenants
  4. 5. the ceremony by which a man became a vassal and thus eligible for a fief
  5. 9. an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate