Feudalism Develops

  1. 2. A united tribe of people who resided in present day France
  2. 3. The first Emperor in Western Europe since the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
  3. 5. A self-contained world located on land belonging to a lord
  4. 6. An era that lasted from about 500 to 1450 in Western Europe and is also called the medieval period.
  5. 8. A person who lived and worked on the private land of a noble or medieval lord
  6. 9. A period in history than spanned from A.D. 500s to the 1500s; from the Latin medium (middle) and aevum (age)
  7. 10. A warrior in medieval Europe
  1. 1. A nobleman who received land from a king in medieval feudal society
  2. 2. A political and social system in which a vassal receives protection from a lord in exchange for obedience and service
  3. 3. To change one’s religion
  4. 4. A person, usually a lesser nobleman, who received land and protection from a feudal lord in exchange for obedience and service
  5. 7. A code of conduct for knights