
  1. 5. (noun): a film that's about real people, events or issues - How can you eat junk food after seeing that documentary Super Size Me?
  2. 6. (noun): a kind or style of music, movie, TV show, painting, etc. - For film class we had to compare movies from two different genres, such as comedy and horror.
  3. 8. movie (noun): a movie with many exciting and violent scenes - Our teenage boys love watching action movies.
  4. 9. (noun): the flat surface that a movie is projected onto - Do you like sitting at the back, or close to the screen?
  5. 14. (noun): another word for "movie" (also "motion picture") - This year's Academy Award for Best Picture was won by a British film.
  6. 15. (noun): enjoyment from movies, concerts, TV shows, etc. - Airlines offer plenty of entertainment on their flights these days.
  1. 1. (noun): one of the people in a story - Harry likes movies with lots of interesting and unusual characters.
  2. 2. (noun): a place where movies are shown on a big screen - Let's meet in front of the cinema just before the movie starts.
  3. 3. movie (noun): a movie that frightens and shocks people - If you love horror movies, you've got to see Fright Night.
  4. 4. (noun): a small part of a film - The opening scene showed a young man leaving prison and walking to a bus stop.
  5. 5. (noun): the person in charge of making a movie - The director gets really angry when actors forget their lines.
  6. 7. (noun): a film with lots of funny scenes - Let's see a comedy and have a good laugh.
  7. 9. (or "science fiction") (noun): a genre with stories set in the future or in outer space - Have you seen that sci-fi film Interstellar yet?
  8. 10. (noun): a movie about realistic characters in dramatic situations - Maria loves legal dramas with lots of courtroom scenes.
  9. 11. star (noun): a very popular movie actor or actress - Movie stars earn millions of dollars every time they play a role.
  10. 12. (noun): all the actors and actresses in a movie or TV show - It had a good cast, but the story wasn't very interesting.
  11. 13. (noun): the series of events that form the main story - It was a good film, but the plot was difficult to follow at times.
  12. 14. movie (noun): a movie that both children and adults can enjoy - Which entertainment company made the family movies Cinderella and 101 Dalmatians?