Film Vocabulary

  1. 3. Clothing and outfits worn by actors in a movie or play to represent characters.
  2. 4. The time and place in which the events of a movie or play take place.
  3. 8. A genre set in the American Old West, often featuring cowboys and outlaws.
  4. 11. A person who analyzes and evaluates movies, plays, or other forms of art and entertainment.
  5. 14. The individual parts of a movie or play in which the action is performed in one place.
  6. 16. A work of outstanding artistry or skill.
  7. 17. Causing extreme fear.
  8. 19. An award or recognition for outstanding achievement in a movie or other field.
  9. 21. A genre of movies or literature that creates excitement and suspense.
  10. 24. The duration of a movie or play.
  11. 25. Lacking interest or excitement.
  12. 26. A non-fictional film or TV show presenting facts or reality.
  13. 27. Extremely bad or of low quality.
  14. 28. A genre of movies or plays featuring singing and dancing as essential elements.
  1. 1. A critical evaluation or assessment of a movie, play, or performance.
  2. 2. Easily expected in a movie's storyline.
  3. 5. The main events and storyline of a movie or narrative.
  4. 6. A person or figure portrayed in a work of fiction or drama.
  5. 7. Not able to be foreseen or anticipated in a movie's storyline.
  6. 9. A movie, book, or play that continues the story of a previous work.
  7. 10. The portrayal of a character by an actor in a movie, play, or show.
  8. 12. The group of actors performing in a film, play, or show.
  9. 13. Extremely good or excellent.
  10. 15. A genre of movies characterized by fast-paced and intense physical activity.
  11. 18. The character or part played by an actor in a film or play.
  12. 20. The first public performance or showing of a movie or play.
  13. 22. Extremely funny and amusing.
  14. 23. A genre of movies or literature that aims to evoke fear and terror.
  15. 29. A genre of movies or plays intended to make the audience laugh.