Final Exam 9 - Lors

  1. 4. unstressed/unstressed/stressed
  2. 5. Nathaniel Hawthorne's first novel
  3. 7. calm or peace
  4. 10. expressing grief or sadness
  5. 11. the color of Faith's ribbons
  6. 14. lowliness(morally despicable)
  7. 15. annoyed or offended
  8. 17. approval; commendation
  9. 18. to bother or distress
  10. 19. unstressed/stressed
  11. 21. stressed/unstressed/unstressed
  12. 23. ability, power
  13. 26. evidence that involves personal examples
  14. 27. modern language association
  15. 28. main character of The Golden Touch
  1. 1. what the stranger in the woods in Young Goodman Brown was compared to
  2. 2. very small
  3. 3. cannot be disputed
  4. 6. filled with delight
  5. 7. four metric feet in poetry
  6. 8. respect or honor
  7. 9. too many to count
  8. 12. Nathaniel Hawthorne's kind of fiction
  9. 13. greed
  10. 16. a state of confusion or doubt
  11. 20. Midas's daughter
  12. 22. american pyschological association
  13. 23. Young Goodman Brown's wife
  14. 24. holiness
  15. 25. related to the eye