Final Exam Deviant Behavior

  1. 3. functional disorder
  2. 5. Crime is an act against the state
  3. 7. States criminal behavior is learned in interactions between individuals and society
  4. 8. has been linked to Agression
  5. 9. Out of touch with reality
  6. 12. Degree Murder Homicide that is planned or involves premeditation.
  7. 15. Violation of the criminal law by young people
  8. 18. deviant Underage possession of alcohol, intent to sale
  9. 19. Justice Crime is an act afainst another person
  10. 21. A term that explains what happens to offenders following arrest, conviction and sentencing
  11. 22. Theories Refers to the scientific approach to the study of crime and its causation
  12. 24. States criminal behavior follows life cycle
  13. 26. Activity that violates social norms
  14. 27. is the next holiday Christmas
  1. 1. Offers a blend of writings which state a critical perspctive with regard to the justice system
  2. 2. will be the new year 2024
  3. 4. Explains crime by reference to the economic and social arrangments of society
  4. 6. Theories States personality is the major motivational elemnt and crimes result from abnormal
  5. 10. Sufferer is out of touch with reality and suffers from disjointed thinking
  6. 11. Personaliy disorder which result more rom the envirnoment
  7. 13. Theory that is a perspective that merges concepts drawn from different sources
  8. 14. Willful killing of one human being by another
  9. 16. result from what Abnormal and dysfunctional
  10. 17. Study of crime and criminal behavior
  11. 20. deviant High school parties, Medical marijuana
  12. 23. Theory that attempts to explain most forms of crimal conduct through a single approach
  13. 25. An individual who has antisocial behaviors