Final Exam Review 2

  1. 3. conflict involving the British and the Zulu in South Africa
  2. 4. along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), this organization provides grants, loans, and advice for developing countries
  3. 9. this U.S. policy sought to stop communism from reaching Korea and Vietnam
  4. 10. people in Pakistan and Afghanistan are mostly this religion
  5. 12. the creation of this organization was designed to control the price of oil by oil producing countries
  6. 16. conflict involving the British and Dutch in South Africa
  7. 18. mercantilism during the Age of Exploration eventually evolved into this economic policy
  8. 20. European countries wanted control over vast territories in Africa for these
  9. 22. the U.S. has interests in the Middle East because of this resource
  10. 24. this form of power enabled great increases in transportation and communication in the 1800s
  11. 25. this trade agreement between the US and Mexico in the 1990s led to an increased trade deficit
  12. 26. this environmental condition plagues the Saharan region in Africa
  13. 27. people in India are mostly this religion
  14. 29. the Qin dynasty in China is most famous for its construction of this world wonder
  15. 30. Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela spoke out against the practice of this in South Africa
  16. 32. this union of European countries was created to create a common currency and compete in international trade
  17. 33. this catholic country’s leader sent a fleet of ships to conquer the English navy in 1588
  1. 1. slaves were brought to the Caribbean to work on these plantations
  2. 2. this Asian country followed the policy of imperialism by taking lands in Korea and Manchuria
  3. 5. in Laissez-faire economics, who or what should not interfere with business
  4. 6. this is something many college students apply for; it is also something newly independent African countries in the 1960s relied on from foreign countries
  5. 7. this plague began in Asia and spread to Europe during the Middle Ages
  6. 8. the largest of the three estates in France
  7. 11. often considered the “root of all evil,” this was a motivating factor for European imperialism in Africa in the 1800s
  8. 13. at this 1884 conference in Germany, European powers carved Africa into colonies
  9. 14. the relationship between a country’s imports and its exports
  10. 15. the post-World War II alliance comprised of East Germany, Poland, the Soviet Union, and others.
  11. 17. this Chinese leader in the 1960s wanted to keep the revolutionary spirit alive in China with his policy called the Great Leap Forward
  12. 19. this is a human condition caused by desertification, or the expansion of desert lands
  13. 21. this leader of the Soviet Union succeeded Vladimir Lenin and used purges, collectivization, and a series of 5-year plans
  14. 23. this elite military force were Eastern European Christians who were trained as children to fight for the Ottoman Empire
  15. 28. this country has the most influence in Southeast Asia
  16. 31. this form of African art and culture has had the longest lasting influence on the Americas