Final Exam Review

  1. 1. Switch from peacetime to wartime
  2. 3. ban on Alcohol
  3. 4. Treaty that ended World War I
  4. 7. Korean and Vietnam wars were this type of war
  5. 12. Well organized political organizations in the 1800s
  6. 13. June 6 1944
  7. 14. Period of Political Corruption
  8. 15. Most recent U.S. President to be impeached
  9. 17. Dirty cramped city apartments
  10. 18. America's government spy agency
  11. 19. Laws intended to limit the rights of newly freed Blacks
  12. 20. Number of Americans killed during the American Civil War
  1. 2. Hatred towards Jews
  2. 5. President Wilson's plan for world peace
  3. 6. First all black regiment
  4. 8. policy to withdraw from world affairs
  5. 9. Plessy v. Ferguson decision
  6. 10. Provided food, shelter, education to Southerners
  7. 11. Banned discrimination in public places
  8. 16. President's plan to pull America out of the Great Depression