Final Exam Vocab Review

  1. 2. This man was the last leader of the Soviet Union and was known for his series of political and economic reforms.
  2. 5. Nelson Mandela is known for ending this system in South Africa.
  3. 6. Germany invaded this nation, considered to be the cause of World War II.
  4. 8. Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, and the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand are all causes of this event.
  5. 9. This treaty ended World War I, and the peace terms contributed to the beginning of World War II.
  6. 12. This is when one strong nation extends its power to control countries politically, socially, or economically.
  7. 14. This event brought the United States into World War II.
  8. 16. The Arab-Israeli conflict has existed since the late 1940s due to both sides claiming the same ______.
  9. 17. The United States got involved in the Korean War due to this foreign policy towards communism.
  10. 18. Two examples of this are the formation of NATO and Warsaw Pact during the Cold War.
  1. 1. This was the intentional plan by the Nazis to exterminate the European Jewish population.
  2. 3. These were used in Japan and ended World War II.
  3. 4. This invisible line was the division between democratic and communist Europe.
  4. 7. The Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo protested their political regime which killed their children in this country.
  5. 10. This man is known for achieving independence for India by using nonviolence.
  6. 11. This was formed after World War I to prevent future global conflicts.
  7. 13. This man led the Communist Revolution in China.
  8. 15. Both Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler were leaders of this type of ideology.