Final Lesson Maths Crossword

  1. 2. The study of motion
  2. 5. Next year our qualification is called "Further .... Maths IGCSE"
  3. 6. When you expand brackets like this (a + b)^n, it is called ................... expansion
  4. 9. Any number that can be written as a fraction is called ...............
  5. 11. What do we call the process for finding the area under a curve?
  6. 13. There is an ..... number of solutions to the equation sin x = 0.5
  7. 15. When the left hand side of an equation ALWAYS equals the right hand side, you get one of these.
  8. 16. 12 divided by 4, is 3, so 13 divided by 4, is 3, ............ 1
  9. 17. The Greek letter that means total or sum, is called .....
  10. 19. This 5 sided shape is the new password for My Maths
  11. 20. We know that 2 x 2 x 2 = 8, so I can say, the log in .... 2 of 8 = 3
  1. 1. If the gradients of 2 lines multiply to give minus 1, then they must be ....................
  2. 3. The document that lists all the topics you need to study for a qualification is called a ............?
  3. 4. Angles can be measured in degrees or in .....
  4. 7. All cubic graphs must cut the x-axis at least once, so all cubics have at least 1 real ........
  5. 8. "Log" is an abbreviation for what word?
  6. 10. If addition is called sum; subtraction is difference, multiplication is product, what is division?
  7. 12. To find the area under a curve, we must know what the vertical .............. are, i.e. x = a and x = b
  8. 14. Which exam board do we follow at TIS for Maths?
  9. 18. dy by dx is sometimes called the ........... function