Final Review

  1. 1. Stabilize the rocket, like a plane
  2. 6. Force that slows down objects airplanes
  3. 8. First project we completed together
  4. 10. Annoying videos on social media app
  5. 13. The objects that catapults launch
  6. 15. When an egg or other object crashes into
  7. 17. Needed for Airplanes to reach the sky
  8. 20. Engineering for rovers and rockets
  9. 22. Engineering type that involves software
  10. 23. Energy from object at its highest
  11. 25. Amusement ride showing rotationalforce
  12. 26. Main body of rocket and also planes
  13. 27. A force that propels objects forward
  1. 2. Week long vacation we're about to go on!
  2. 3. Project that flies with fire and air
  3. 4. Engineering type involving machines
  4. 5. Medieval Weapon that launches objects
  5. 7. How the wings are attached to the plane
  6. 9. Project where we drop an object
  7. 11. Energy from objects in motion
  8. 12. Engineering type making using chemicals
  9. 14. Attached to airplane to help fly
  10. 16. Engineering for buildings and roads
  11. 18. Bigger catapults we made next, twas cool
  12. 19. Coolest but grumpiest science teacher
  13. 21. Top of rocket provides way less drag
  14. 22. Wood or metal bar the launcher hits
  15. 24. Force that brings objects down to earth