Final Study Aid

  1. 1. June 6, 1944...turning point in WWII
  2. 5. Million Total people killed during the Holocaust
  3. 6. First satilite launched into space
  4. 10. Treaty that stopped the Korean War
  5. 15. Continent on which WWII was fought
  6. 16. Code name for the D-Day invasion
  7. 18. Pearl Harbor attack took place in this state
  8. 19. Consumed by fire (Greek)
  9. 20. Hitler's book written while incarcerated
  1. 2. A switch from war to peacetime economy
  2. 3. Hatred towards Jews
  3. 4. President blamed for depression
  4. 7. The country with the most death camps
  5. 8. Organization formed after WWII to promote peace
  6. 9. Form of non-violent protest used by Dr. King
  7. 11. Japanese city hit with an atomic bomb (not Nagasaki)
  8. 12. Solution Hitler's plan to kill ALL Jews
  9. 13. U.S. policy of partially withdrawing from world affairs
  10. 14. Peace treaty that ended WWI
  11. 17. America's spy agency