Finally Back to School Today

  1. 2. the first NFL coach fired
  2. 3. he will be in rehab rather than pitching in the playoffs
  3. 5. which team went to 4-0 after scoring 48 points against the Texans?
  4. 7. the Steelers’ new kicker
  5. 10. the QB the Steelers will play against next
  6. 11. the Steelers had to cut this kicker
  1. 1. he fumbled at the one yard line to give the Seahawks the win last night
  2. 4. cheating on your wife
  3. 6. the two teams that play on Thanksgiving every year are the Cowboys and the ______
  4. 8. the name of the stadium in London the NFL plays in a couple times per year
  5. 9. Jon Gruden’s Monday Night Football partner
  6. 12. the Steelers #2 receiver who is back this week