Financial Exchange & Money

  1. 3. a commodity, currency, or other type of capital that is tradable and can be stored for future use.
  2. 5. the fee charged by the lender to a borrower for the use of borrowed money.
  3. 8. tokens used as money in a country.
  4. 9. Bank card used in cash transactions, but which is not a credit card. The amount of purchase is withdrawn directly from the available balance in the cardholder’s account.
  5. 10. a promissory note, payable on demand, issued by an authorized bank and intended to circulate as money.
  6. 17. something received in return for something else.
  7. 18. A credit card with a pre-deposited balance, like a store gift card. Usually used to control spending and does not require a credit check.
  8. 21. a debt instrument issued for a period of more than one year with the purpose of raising capital by borrowing.
  9. 22. A broad term used to describe many aspects of finance in the financial industry, such as financial instruments, financial services, financial institutions, financial advisors, or financial planning.
  10. 23. To exchange a good or service as a form of payment.
  11. 25. any item that is widely accepted in exchange for the goods and services offered to consumers in a given market.
  12. 26. Gain the amount by which an asset’s selling price exceeds its initial purchase price.
  13. 27. a piece of metal stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money.
  14. 30. Ready money, such as money in hand, petty cash (used in businesses), bank account balance, and money market accounts.
  15. 31. A subsidiary of eBay that provides several online payment and money transfer options for consumers and other companies. It is an online system, run by VeriSign, which allows users to have funds directly placed into banking accounts or on a PayPal credit card.
  16. 34. money given by the government to its citizens, such as social security, unemployment compensation, welfare, and disability payments.
  17. 35. standard unit or system of units by means of which a quantity is accounted for and expressed.
  1. 1. A standard-size plastic token with a magnetic stripe that holds a machine readable code. The holder of a credit card draws on a credit limit, approved by the card-issuer such as a bank, store, or service provider. Cardholders normally must pay for credit card purchases within 30 days of purchase to avoid interest and/or penalties.
  2. 2. Automatic transfer of salaries, wages, rents, benefits, or other such sums directly to the account of an employee or beneficiary.
  3. 4. a negotiable debt obligation issued by the US government and backed by its full faith and credit, having a maturity between 1 and 7 years.
  4. 6. wages received on a regular basis, usually weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  5. 7. a taxable payment declared by a company’s board of directors and given to itsmshareholders out of the company’s current or retained earnings, usually quarterly.
  6. 11. Arrangement under which an investor receives periodic cash payments drawn directly from a specific account.
  7. 12. To remove.
  8. 13. a bond sold by the US government.
  9. 14. payment, usually monthly, for use of space or property.
  10. 15. The obligation to answer for an act done and to repair any injury it may have caused.
  11. 16. The electronic exchange or transfer of money from one account to another, either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, through computer-based systems.
  12. 19. The act of transferring money from one entity to another.
  13. 20. The maximum amount of money a borrower (cardholder) can charge or withdraw from a particular credit account.
  14. 24. Same concept as automatic withdrawal that is sometimes used in its place.
  15. 28. occurring every 3 months.
  16. 29. compensation for work.
  17. 32. legal documents such as banknotes (currency), checks, drafts, and other bills of exchange, postal orders, promissory notes, etc. that represent money in a more or less liquid form.
  18. 33. Paper form of payment used to pay a stated amount of money to the bearer or named party.