Finding Joy! Puzzle 1

  1. 3. ______: and the God of peace shall be with you
  2. 6. Continue in the ________
  3. 7. Let your ________ be known
  4. 8. Giving ________ unto the Father
  5. 10. By prayer and __________
  6. 12. _________ those
  7. 13. ________ in the Lord alway
  8. 14. So _______ ye in him
  1. 1. _________ and settled
  2. 2. In whatsoever state I am, therewith to be _______
  3. 4. _________ in the faith
  4. 5. Rooted and ________ up in him, and
  5. 6. Stand _________ in the Lord
  6. 9. Be not ________ from the hope
  7. 11. __________ on these things