Fire Prevention, Detection, and Response

  1. 4. Class C fires that start by or involve ________ hazards.
  2. 7. The Fire ________ adds the chemical reactions needed to take place when fuel, heat, and oxygen create fire.
  3. 9. Class B fires are fueled by these ______ fuels like gas and kerosene
  4. 10. The crime of purposely setting fire to property.
  5. 11. Class K fires take place in the kitchen and often involve _____ fires.
  1. 1. When oxygen is suddenly reintroduced to an oxygen starved fire, creating sudden combustion.
  2. 2. An obsessive desire to set fire.
  3. 3. This acronym is taught to help people understand how to use a fire extinguisher: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep.
  4. 5. Class D fires involved certain _______ like magnesium and sodium.
  5. 6. Class A fires are fueled by these ______ fuels like wood and paper.
  6. 7. Fuel, Heat, and Oxygen form the Fire _______ which is needed for the fire to start and survive.
  7. 8. This acronym is taught to help people understand what to do in case of fire: Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish or Evacuate