Fire Service Week

  1. 3. nozzle of Medium Velocity Water Spray System is also called.......
  2. 5. Chemical in ABC type DCP extinguisher media(Abbreviated)
  3. 10. Fire protection system for double wall storage tank is ....... Foam system
  4. 11. Type of nozzle that can be installed on top of tank for cooling of tank
  5. 12. Stretcher used during confined space/ high rise rescue
  6. 19. Finished foam is made of foam concentrate, water and ......
  7. 20. Type of pump used in fire vehicle
  8. 22. During inspection of stored pressure DCP fire extinguisher I must check
  9. 24. Fire involving Gases
  10. 25. A process of fire extinguishment by limitations or reduction of oxygen
  11. 26. DCP reacts with .....
  12. 27. The plant in which Carbon Di Oxide Flooding System is installed
  13. 29. Liquids which have flashpoint less than 37.8 ℃
  14. 31. This can happen if you grab CO2 extinguisher horn at wrong part
  15. 33. Severe lack of oxygen in the blood or the brain
  1. 1. Request of issuing material in plant shall be received to fire service from
  2. 2. Manual operated device used to initiate an alarm signal (abbreviated
  3. 4. Visible suspension of solid particle in atmosphere due to fire or combustion
  4. 5. Class D fire
  5. 6. Combustion spreading uncontrolled in time and space
  6. 7. Fire branch which is kept in all Hose Boxes and Hose Stations is called
  7. 8. Visual inspection of extinguisher by plant pesonnel should be done at this frequency
  8. 9. Type of coupling in fire hose
  9. 12. For Extinguisher operation in PASS, P- Pull the pin, A- Aim at base of fire, S- ....... the handle, S- Sweep from side to side
  10. 13. If you don't hold hose of fire extinguisher tight, this can happen with hose.
  11. 14. Motto of fire service is We serve to ......
  12. 15. A flame of very short duration
  13. 16. CO2 extinguisher should be used
  14. 17. Abbreviation for method of operating fire extinguisher
  15. 18. The frequency of maintenance of fire extinguishers
  16. 21. Fire siren testing from MFS is done on which day of every week
  17. 23. Signs for escape route
  18. 25. A process of fire extinguishment by elimination or reduction of fuel
  19. 28. Type of foam used in hazardous material emergency
  20. 30. Phenomenon in which flames go back over a area previously extinguished.
  21. 32. Always approach fire from ....... Direction