
  1. 3. clarisse's age?
  2. 7. what happened to the city during the war?
  3. 8. is montag still live when the movie end?
  4. 10. who was the last informant on mantag's home?
  5. 12. montag's job?
  6. 14. where is montag and faber plan to hide book?
  7. 15. when montag left faber;s house, which direction did he go?
  8. 16. was it an accident?
  9. 18. what is mildred's job?
  10. 19. who burn with the book?
  11. 20. what did montag show the ladys?
  12. 21. what happen to clarisse?
  13. 22. where did montag hide the books?
  1. 1. where is clarisse get most information?
  2. 2. who is kill by montag?
  3. 4. what had montag been able to memorize?
  4. 5. who is captain beatty?
  5. 6. what is faber's job before?
  6. 9. what did railroad tracks mean to mantag?
  7. 11. montag's job do?
  8. 13. who burn montag's house?
  9. 14. who cause moontag kill beatty?
  10. 17. where is faber decide to go?
  11. 20. where is the man tell montag the safe place to hide book?