First Aid Puzzle

  1. 2. complete or partial break in a
  2. 5. caused by sun, hot liquids, fire,
  3. 6. a piece of gauze
  4. 7. A stretching or tearing of ligaments bands of tough elastic tissue
  5. 11. Sweating
  6. 12. ligament gets pulled away
  7. 15. mouth to mouth
  8. 16. tearing of soft body tissue
  9. 19. prolonged exposure to cold
  10. 21. diabetes complication
  11. 22. superficial rub
  12. 23. uncontrolled electrical disturbance a departure or divergence
  13. 26. epileptic seizures
  14. 27. emergency or immediate care
  15. 30. reasonable assistance
  16. 31. stretching or tearing of a muscle
  17. 33. freezing of the skin
  18. 34. deep wound
  19. 35. Fainting
  1. 1. body overheating
  2. 3. joint is forced out
  3. 4. practice in medicine
  4. 8. a broken blood vessel
  5. 9. priority of patients'
  6. 10. severe allergic reaction
  7. 13. sudden cardiac arrest
  8. 14. not getting enough blood flow
  9. 17. blood trapped
  10. 18. substance harmful to body
  11. 20. Brain damage
  12. 24. rigid or flexible device
  13. 25. a cut
  14. 28. blockage of blood flow in heart
  15. 29. device which applies pressure
  16. 32. interruption in the blood supply