First aid

  1. 3. Never apply butter, ice to a burn, because it can cause serious ______
  2. 5. We lay an infant face down on the adult _____.
  3. 6. For adults you give six to eight puffs every five minutes when they have a asthma _____or they can die.
  4. 8. What does D stand for in DRSABCD?
  5. 12. Seizure’s can happen any time and one to two percent of people in the community are estimated to have an active ________
  6. 14. EpiPen dosage is for anyone twenty kilogram and over and EpiPen Jr is for people ten to twenty kilogram, people _____ ten kilogram can’t have it.
  7. 15. You should never ______ a snake if you see one.
  1. 1. Where do you look if you have a bleeding nose?
  2. 2. Allergies cause swelling and redness, itchiness, rashes, wheezing, dizziness, _____ and other bad things.
  3. 4. Once someone is stabilised, place them in a recovery position and you wait for the ________that you called.
  4. 7. Three and a half million people are ______ with diabetes or pre diabetes
  5. 9. Which snake is longer an Eastern brown or a red belly black?
  6. 10. Funnel web spiders kill adults in hours and kids in minutes and Red back spider’s _______ venom which takes slowly.
  7. 11. What do we call for emergency?
  8. 13. Is nut becoming common for allergies?