"First Things First: House Rules" |Proverbs 1:7 Bible Study ✞-word Puzzle | 11.1.23
- 2. (Two Words) Proverbs is written to instruct people in godly wisdom (Pr 1:2-6). And godly wisdom is about living in God’s world according to God’s word. This is God’s world; we’re just living in it! It’s God’s house, so let’s follow God’s ___.
- 3. Concerning the genre of Proverbs, many (if not most) Proverbs are not universal truths that apply to any and every ____. It takes wisdom to know in what ____ it’s proper to apply the principles of various Proverbs (cf. Pr 26:4-5, 7, 9, 27:14).
- 7. Like throwing away the Manufacturer’s instruction manual, fools despise the law of the LORD of life, and try to live life on their own terms.
- 10. (Four words) The ___ is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Pr 1:7, 9:10; Ps 111:10; Job 28:28). It is associated with a long, prosperous, godly life (Pr 10:27, 14:27, 19:23, 22:4).
- 11. (Two words) Instead of printing the Name of God that He revealed to Moses at the burning bush (YHWH; see Ex 3:13-15), which is likely pronounced like “Yahweh”, most English translations of the Bible simply print ___ in small capital letters.
- 12. In contrast to the temporary benefits of secular and physical training, the benefits of spiritual training and the fear of the LORD are ____ (cf. Pr 14:26, 20:7; 1 Tim 4:7-8).
- 1. One can (and should!) both fear and love the LORD. For loving God is not merely about emotion, but ____ to the good Lord and His good law (Dt 6:5; 11:1; 1 Cor 13:6; Jn 14:15, 21, 23-24, 15:14; 1 Jn 5:3).
- 4. Proverbs 1:7, 9:10, and 31:30 contain what has been called the ____ of Proverbs.
- 5. More precious than gold, silver, or rubies – and accompanied by long life, riches, honor, peace, protection, and blessing – nothing in life can compare with godly ____ (Pr 3:13-18, Pr 4:6).
- 6. Fearing and loving the LORD entails hating and shunning ____ (Pr 3:7, 8:13; Ps 97:10; Rom 12:9).
- 8. Not merely about terror, the fear of the LORD entails reverence, awe, and ____ (Ps 128:1-2; Dt 10:12-13).
- 9. When it comes to living wisely in the LORD’s world, the fear of the LORD is the ____ step.