First Try - New Zealand

  1. 3. The Lord of the _____
  2. 5. City where Richard O'Brien grew up
  3. 7. Indigenous Polynesian people
  4. 8. Ocean of NZ
  5. 12. Area of NZ that shares name with Kent city
  6. 13. NZ Female Singer
  7. 15. Month that Lily left UK
  8. 17. Film directed by Taika Waikiti, Thor: ________
  9. 19. Most populous NZ City
  10. 20. Capital of New Zealand
  1. 1. Previous NZ Prime Minister, _______ Ardern
  2. 2. Explorer to climb Mt Everest, Edmund _______
  3. 4. Famous ______ Mile Beach
  4. 6. Sport of 'The Black Caps'
  5. 9. NZ born actor, Russell _____
  6. 10. Comedy TV Series with NZ version (Clue: Lily has been to a recording of the UK show)
  7. 11. NZ City, END UN ID (Anagram)
  8. 14. Traditional ceremonial dance
  9. 16. Only NZ winner of Edinburgh Best Comedy Award, ____ Mathematics
  10. 18. National Bird