First Year History Revision

  1. 2. A tax paid by the serfs to the Church (one tenth of their crop).
  2. 3. Celtic alphabet.
  3. 7. The skilled people in Celtic society (file; brehon; druid; craftsmen)
  4. 10. A place where documents from the past are stored.
  5. 11. Celtic pagan priest.
  6. 12. The Celtic royal family (family of the Rí)
  7. 13. e.g. A census document.
  8. 14. A settlement (ringfort) on a man-made island.
  9. 15. A covered walkway where monks walked.
  10. 16. Underground passage found in Celtic ringforts. Used for storage and to escape when attacked.
  11. 18. Method of roof construction of layering stones inwards until they meet – no ‘cement’ was used. e.g. Newgrange.
  12. 20. Adding shade and shadow to a painting to make it seem more lifelike.
  1. 1. The land a King granted to a Lord in return for loyalty and protection.
  2. 2. The second in command in a Celtic Tuath // the successor to the Rí.
  3. 4. An organisation of craft members (e.g. bakers) that regulated the craft and looked after it’s members.
  4. 5. A.D.
  5. 6. A painting done directly on to wet plaster.
  6. 8. Concrete structures (looked like bridges) that carried fresh water from the mountains to the cities.
  7. 9. An object that was made or used by people in the past.
  8. 11. Calculating the age of an artefact by examining the pattern of tree rings on a wooden artefact.
  9. 13. Person who hired + paid artists. e.g. The Medici family.
  10. 17. A one-sided account or opinion of an event.
  11. 19. People had to put out all fires + candles when it grew dark.