Fishing - Ashenfelter Marine Ecology

  1. 3. used to shoot large pelagic fish
  2. 5. farming these species can improve water quality as they filter feed and are low on the food chain
  3. 8. In CA we have several Marine ___ Areas (MPAs) where no fish are allowed to be taken.
  4. 9. aquaculture that encloses fish and crustaceans in a relatively shallow and usually small body of freshwater or saltwater. Historically related to coastal destruction of Mangrove Forest.
  5. 11. This ___ species act was passed in 1973 to protect species at risk of extinction
  6. 13. these drugs are used to reduce disease in aquaculture because the animals are overcrowded, but often ends up polluting local waters
  7. 16. fishing that happens when nets/pots are lost at sea and continue to kill species though no one is collecting them
  8. 17. unintended seafood caught
  9. 18. what they feed fish in aquaculture, hopefully soon it can be made of insects instead of other fish
  10. 19. due to allergies and food safety Tom at the facility we toured has a separate room for processing this type
  11. 22. methods of farming fish
  12. 24. many modern technologies in fishing were invented for ___
  13. 28. aquaculture tanks that have continuous water flow, and the wastewater is treated and re-used.
  14. 30. drifting netting, fish gets tangled
  15. 31. the marine ____ act was passed to protect warm blooded ocean animals in 1972 in the US
  16. 32. fishing line that can be a mile long with many hooks, potentially lots of bycatch
  17. 33. Global Fish Watch is trying to use AIS to ___ vessels potentially doing harmful fishing far out at sea
  18. 34. structures that hold farmed fish in open water as they grow.
  1. 1. this is what the fish school gets caught in in finding Nemo. Large circular net
  2. 2. after being farmed or fished seafood often goes to a _____ facility to be prepared for restaurants and markets.
  3. 4. in CA salmon are caught using ___ hooks so that if they are too small or wrong type they can be released with less harm.
  4. 6. These plant-like seafoods absorb carbon dioxide and farming them decreases local ocean acidification making them part of a restorative farming practice.
  5. 7. this is the method the salmon fisherman uses who came to talk to us
  6. 10. crab and lobster caught in these
  7. 12. metal, cage-like gear that is dragged over the seafloor for clams, oysters, scallops, etc.
  8. 14. involves growing shellfish such as clams, mussels and oysters on the seabed.
  9. 15. cone-shaped nets that are pulled along the seafloor
  10. 20. fish that eat other fish - which is not as sustainable as farming lower on the foodchain species
  11. 21. The ____-Stevens Fishery Conservation Act was passed in 1976 in the US for national waters.
  12. 23. long, linear containment structures used for farming fish.
  13. 25. for some species of crabs to protect the next generation you can not harvest any ____
  14. 26. farming fish on ____, in contained systems reduces the chances of escape and of water pollution
  15. 27. __ of the commons refers to a lack of stewardship for shared resources often leading to overuse.
  16. 29. on the ___ seas it can be hard to know what is happening in illegal or harmful fishing