
  1. 1. this type of exercise raises your heart rate way up for short burst of time
  2. 4. 20 minute jog
  3. 7. football volleyball basketball are examples of
  4. 10. mile run
  5. 14. inbody scanner
  6. 15. ability to move quickly and easily
  7. 16. f in FITT
  8. 17. sit and reach
  9. 18. the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently
  1. 2. in fitt
  2. 3. A gradual increase in how hard or how often you workout is called
  3. 5. in FITT
  4. 6. in FITT
  5. 8. Performing certain exercises in order for a person to improve a certain component of fitness is called
  6. 9. an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady
  7. 10. pushups
  8. 11. lap swimming running and rollerblading are example of
  9. 12. These activities are rhythmic, repetitive movements done for 20-30 minutes or longer with a consistent heart rate in the Target Zone
  10. 13. the minimum number of times a week that a person should have activity