
  1. 5. overall body mass
  2. 8. number of times per week
  3. 10. certain food you eat
  4. 13. how hard
  5. 15. being physically fit
  6. 18. heart/cardio
  7. 19. Type of health career
  8. 20. beats per minute
  1. 1. amount of weight in the body
  2. 2. emotions health
  3. 3. intense
  4. 4. brain health
  5. 6. leg and arm exercise
  6. 7. high intensity interval training
  7. 9. Ex. running
  8. 11. health body athleticism
  9. 12. Ex. pull-up
  10. 14. beliefs
  11. 15. frequency-intensity-time-type
  12. 16. friendship health
  13. 17. body/self-care