Fitness Packet Crossword
- 2. I learned that this exersize is where you circle your arms back and forth. This can be a warm-up
- 7. I learned that this exersize is where you extend your arms and legs in a jumping motion
- 10. this is an exersize that I do not prefer but is used for core strength.
- 13. I learned that this exersize is a cool down but is similar to jogging
- 14. I learned this this exersize requires agility and you use your leg to go front and back while running. It is a warm-up
- 15. I enjoyed this exersize because you throw heavy weights on the ground
- 1. I learned that this exersize is where you lift your knees while walking
- 3. I learned that this exersize is where you jump from side to side
- 4. I learned that this exersize is a combination of jumping jacks and push-ups
- 5. I learned that this is a form of meditation and there are many different poses
- 6. I learned that this exersize is where you can go backwards or forwards in a lunge motion
- 8. this exersize is one the easiest to complete and I learned that it is aerobic exersize
- 9. I learned that this exersize is when you lay on a mat and bring your body up and down. It is a good core exersize.
- 11. I learned that this exersize is where you sit on the floor and reach with your hand. It exersizes your hamstrings.
- 12. I learned that this exersize is where you hold a push-up for some time