fitness puzzle - riya
- 3. I learned how to improve my hamstring flexibility. This excercise was very painful and resulted in pulled muscles.
- 6. We were in our fitness unit. I had to improve my aerobics. I learned how to properly launch into the air, which helped me to excercise. I don't have an opinion about this excersise.
- 7. In our fitness unit, I learned that this excersize is anaerobic and strengthens your muscular abilities. As a bonus, you can visualize you're chucking this object at people you hate! I enjoyed this excersize.
- 8. In our fitness unit, I had to improve my muscular strength. This excersize was anaerobic, and included the movement of both jumping and pushups. I didn't like this one.
- 10. In our fitness unit, I learned that this excersize is anaerobic and strengthens your quads and glutes. I did not enjoy this excersize
- 11. I learned that this excersice helped to improve my strength and anaerobic area.
- 12. We were in our fitness unit. I had to build my cardiovascular endurance, and used this excersize to fufill my aerobic portion of this workout. I was forced to do this and did not enjoy it.
- 13. I learned that this excercise helped me to improve my cardio and
- 1. This excercise improved my core strength, and targeted the anaerobic area of this workout. I learned that this excersize can be done several different ways, and I don't like it.
- 2. I learned that this excersice improved my core and was really easy for me. I enjoyed this one.
- 4. I improved my core strength from this excersize, which I learned are basically an easier version of situps. I did not enjoy this excercise.
- 5. curls In our fitness unit, I learned this excersize uses anaerobic skills and helps to build muscular strength, and you use weights to do this. I did not enjoy this one.
- 7. I learned that this improves my core strength and is not that hard. I also learned that this is an aerobic excersize.
- 9. During our fitness unit, I learned to build my muscular strength, and completed this excersize to improve it. I really did not enjoy this excersize.
- 10. In our fitness unit, I had to improve my core strength, and this excersize targeted the anaerobic part of this workout. I found this excersice more enjoyable than the rest.