
  1. 6. fat mass to fat free mass
  2. 7. exchange CO2 for oxygen
  3. 10. increase of FITT principle(s)
  4. 11. Frequency Intensity Time Type
  5. 13. allows oxygen to be breathed in co2 to be breathed out
  6. 14. to do work over a long period of time without tiring
  7. 15. supply oxygen for long periods of time
  8. 17. development over a period of time
  9. 18. result achieved in 6 months or less
  10. 20. with oxygen
  1. 1. result achieved in 6 months or more
  2. 2. exercises per week
  3. 3. muscles work over a long period of time
  4. 4. full range of motion
  5. 5. network of blood vessels and heart that pumps blood throughout body
  6. 8. specific training
  7. 9. weight speed or heart rate
  8. 12. minutes or repetition
  9. 16. vessels for blood leaving the heart
  10. 19. without oxygen