Five Chinese Brothers by Claire Huchet

  1. 1. The fourth Chinese brother could not be ___.
  2. 4. The fifth Chinese brother could hold his breath ___.
  3. 8. The little boy stuffed his pockets with ___ things from the sea.
  4. 9. The little boy ___ when the sea was forced from the Chinese brother's mouth.
  5. 11. The first Chinese brother was arrested, put in prison, and __ to have his head cut off.
  1. 2. The first Chinese brother made ___ gestures for the little boy to come back.
  2. 3. The judge said the fifth Chinese brother must be ___.
  3. 5. The first Chinese brother told the little boy to ___ him promptly.
  4. 6. They lived ___ together for many years.
  5. 7. The third Chinese brother could ___ his legs
  6. 10. The second Chines brother had a/an ___ neck.
  7. 12. The five Chinese brother's looked ___ alike.