- 6. desired range of impact
- 7. what we want to spread
- 10. cold water fundraiser
- 13. what we do with kindness
- 16. FLAGS to celebrate this many years in 2024
- 17. with community and friends
- 18. month of annual spring challenge
- 21. thankful
- 22. tie
- 24. fancy fundraiser
- 25. buddies
- 26. our volunteers are this
- 1. living next door
- 2. freely helping
- 3. opposite of evil
- 4. what we aim to share
- 5. our events are this
- 8. we prefer the good ones
- 9. April annual event goal
- 11. what makes up a community
- 12. last name of president
- 14. offered to someone in need
- 15. Forest Lake Area Good ___________
- 19. these can be random
- 20. what or who inspires us
- 23. belonging
- 25. direction of payment