Flick's Fabulous Fourth Graders

  1. 5. awesome at science
  2. 8. gamer
  3. 9. problem solver
  4. 12. shy but very sweet
  5. 13. tiny but mighty
  6. 17. cheerleader
  7. 19. loves to make sweet notes
  8. 20. loves to read aloud
  9. 22. incredible wrestler
  1. 1. another teachers' kid
  2. 2. cool red hair
  3. 3. loves books more than anything
  4. 4. always calm and caring
  5. 6. tallest boy in class
  6. 7. teacher's kid
  7. 10. the best new addition to our class
  8. 11. chicken
  9. 14. one of the twins in class
  10. 15. the seester
  11. 16. has her own library
  12. 18. rhymes with sharper
  13. 21. loves the outdoors
  14. 22. football and sooners