Flood Insurance

  1. 1. Harvey's flooding extended beyond traditional flood ________.
  2. 3. Many homeowners don't have this type of coverage.
  3. 6. Many Americans think they're insured for this.
  4. 8. The geographical spread of this threat is ________.
  5. 11. Private insurers need this to underwrite flood accurately.
  6. 12. Communities need to be more ________ after a disaster.
  1. 2. Insurers need room to offer broad, flexible coverage _______.
  2. 4. NFIP insurance is often __________.
  3. 5. The flooding is blamed on urban development and ______.
  4. 7. FEMA has licensed AIR's inland flood and storm surge ________.
  5. 9. Hurricane Harvey was not a ______ event.
  6. 10. Harvey damages have been estimated at $65 to $75 ________.
  7. 12. Millions of Americans don't know they're at _________