[FO] Crossword #3
- 3. forum ID of the first post of the crossword thread
- 6. potion; just as expensive as red bull (5,6)
- 10. player; sound a cow typically makes (3)
- 11. bugged STR skill, no longer sold ingame (2,4)
- 12. faction gained by killing monsters in Hidden Reef (5,9)
- 15. Haunted Forest map is shaped like one of these (7)
- 16. abbreviation; name of club where members can get a unique outfit item (3)
- 17. stat determining PvP health (9)
- 18. license gained by completing the "Show your ID" quest
- 1. item; reportedly made by tjb102698 (10)
- 2. location of the Third Fantasy Online Ball (6,6)
- 4. short form of word meaning: "disorderly crowd or mob" (4)
- 5. game feature that used to exist, restricted XP gain (4)
- 7. anagram: "zero ovens fit" (12 or 6,6)
- 8. acronym; forum group that disdains the taxon equus (4)
- 9. shoulder outfit item, is another name for myocardial infarction (5,5)
- 10. super moderator; crossword #2 incorrectly claimed their name rhymed with "pinch" (6)
- 12. monster featured on the Holiday Isle teleport skill (5,5)
- 13. player; famous for having three hands, artist of "Antlers" item (6)
- 14. box randomly containing 1 of 4 cat hats or nothing (9)