
  1. 3. milk products
  2. 6. a vegetable with large dark green leaves that are cooked with meat
  3. 8. a kind of seafood that is a small shellfish that turns pink when cooked
  4. 9. meat from a cow
  5. 12. chickens, ducks and geese
  6. 15. sea creature that has a long soft body , eight arms and two tentacles and it is eaten.
  7. 16. a plant whose leaves have a fresh smell and taste that are added to food and drinks and used as a herb
  8. 17. a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw especially in salad
  9. 19. a vegetable known as ladies' fingers
  1. 1. a plant with curly green leaves used in cooking
  2. 2. small seeds of food plants such as wheat and rice
  3. 4. the part of food that helps to keep a person healthy dried fruits are rich with it
  4. 5. a vegetable that when you eat it, your tongue and mouth turn red
  5. 7. meat from a pig
  6. 10. powder used for making bread
  7. 11. long thin pieces of pasta
  8. 13. any plant that has seeds in long pods such as beans and peas
  9. 14. a sweet sticky brown fruit that grows on palm trees
  10. 18. a shellfish that can be eaten